The University of Mobile (UMobile) is partnering with Dauphin Way Baptist Church, Mobile, to present “Mobile Passion Play: Telling His Story” March 30–April 1 at the church. The performances will start at 7 p.m. each evening. Tickets may be picked up at the UMobile Center for Performing Arts in Martin Hall, LifeWay Christian Store in Mobile and Dauphin Way Baptist. Doors will open to ticket-holders at 6 p.m. and non-ticket-holders at 6:30 p.m. each evening.
“Mobile Passion Play: Telling His Story” is a full-stage dramatic presentation that depicts the life of Jesus Christ. Telling everything from His birth to His resurrection, the Passion play will be portrayed through music and drama with a realistic biblical set.
The performance will be directed by Mickey Henderson, minister of music and worship at Dauphin Way. More than 250 musicians from the combined choirs, soloists and full orchestra of UMobile and Dauphin Way will perform.
For more information, call the Center for Performing Arts at 251-442-2420.
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