Cham Sa Rang Baptist Church, Valley, celebrates its 10th anniversary

Cham Sa Rang Baptist Church, Valley, celebrates its 10th anniversary

East Liberty Association

Cham Sa Rang Baptist Church, Valley, celebrated its 10th anniversary recently, along with Pastor Chang Ook Moon, who has been at the church since it began.

It’s a church that has been an answer to prayer for East Liberty Baptist Association, said Dale Wood, director of missions for East Liberty Association.

The association’s mission is the Great Commission — to reach all peoples. Several years back, they were trying to figure out how to best reach out to the Korean speakers in the area.

And in that search, Wood said God orchestrated a new partnership — the already-existing Cham Sa Rang Baptist needed a place of their own to meet, and they moved into the empty Grace Baptist Church building.

Moon “has been faithful to meet and teach and preach the Word in Korean,” Wood said. (East Liberty)