Charlie just had an excellent opportunity to meet with some Christian brothers and sisters and provide some training for them in Church Planting Movements. They received the information with much anticipation. Pray God will continue to give them “handles” and understanding how this can be accomplished in their own ministries.
We have a series of training sessions for potential Christian leaders that will begin next month. Pray for the preparation for both Charlie and me as we plan for the classes.
God has brought a group of young women into Tara’s life. Mami-san has already given her heart to Jesus and is growing in her faith. Please pray for her, and pray for Tara as she seeks ways to minister and witness to the Christians and “not yet” Christians in her life.
Con, our volunteer, is doing well. He is finally getting a teaching schedule set and making time for witness opportunities with Japanese friends. Eric, our newest journeyman candidate, has a delay in arriving in Japan until the fall because of his conflict with graduation date and the training required before he can come. Pray God will bless him and continue to prepare his heart for his time in Japan. We continue to be excited about our semester missionary, Lea, as she makes plans to arrive in May. We can’t wait for her to get here. We know God is going to use her in a mighty way. Please pray for her too as she sets her heart toward Japan in May.
John and Zachary are going to Tsuda Yochien (their Japanese kindergarten). Please pray for them to adjust well. Our baby boy, John, is turning 5 tomorrow, and sweet baby girl, Kirie, still remains a part of our family. Continue to pray for her “forever” family as they anxiously await her and for her papers to pass through the immigration process quickly.
Charlie and Darlene
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