Mother’s Day has traditionally been a day when Alabama Baptists have given generously and faithfully to the offering for Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries (ABCH), but this year, the offering is more important than ever. Because of the downturn in the economy, gifts from three of the Children’s Homes’ top four sources of income are down so far this year, said Paul Miller, ABCH president.
Comparing the first three months of 2009 to the same time period in 2008, church gifts are down nearly 13 percent, or $79,976.47. Gifts from individual donors are also down, as well as the income the ABCH relies on from trusts and endowments through The Baptist Foundation of Alabama and others. Those sources made up 60.35 percent of the ABCH budget in 2008.
The decrease in those gifts becomes a challenge, as the ABCH has seen an increase in requests for its services, especially Pathways Professional Counseling.
Rod Marshall, director of Pathways, said there has been a 20 percent increase in the number of people seeking counseling in the first quarter of this year over the same time last year.
He sees three reasons for that increase. One is Pathways’ increased presence in the state. The other two reasons are more directly related to the economy. More counselors have come to him seeking jobs, which means other counseling services are either cutting jobs or shutting down. So Pathways is filling the gap for some of those clients.
Also Marshall said, “I think the economy and the subsequent stress it puts on families is increasing our numbers.”
Although the client numbers are increasing, the money ABCH receives per session is down because clients pay on a sliding scale, he said.
“We have a firm standing policy that we don’t turn anyone away because of an inability to pay,” Marshall said.
So Alabama Baptist churches are stepping in, working to help provide this ministry either as individual churches or in partnership with their association. Those partnerships, plus client fees, accounted for 25 percent of Pathways’ 2008 operating budget.
God is also using donors’ wills and estate gifts to stand in the budgetary gap, Miller noted. Those were ABCH’s third-largest source of income in 2008. So far in 2009, ABCH has received more through those gifts than it normally does in one year. That has allowed it to stay in the black thus far.
“We’re so thankful for those individuals remembering us,” Miller said. “Even though they are no longer around, their gifts are helping children in less than ideal economic circumstances.”
But there is no reason for ABCH to think that increase would continue through the year, he added, which is why Alabama Baptists are so crucial to the ministry of ABCH. Miller said even if all other sources of income increase to normal levels but church gifts to the Annual Children’s Homes Offering received May 10 stay down, then there will be some tough decisions at the end of the year.
ABCH is trying to avoid those decisions by staying true to its mission of good stewardship that maximizes the resources God provides, he said. “We’re looking at ways we can cut back on expenses while, at the same time, maintaining our commitment to children and families to provide the services needed.”
That includes commitments to expand services in Oxford through the new Oxford Ministry Center and in Alabaster through renovating the family care home. Both of these are funded through money designated in previous years, either through donor gifts or budget surpluses. “We had designated money given for that, and we’re going to honor that commitment made to those donors and those who are in need of those services,” Miller said.
Ultimately Miller and the Children’s Homes are looking to God and His people to continue the ministry of protecting, nurturing and restoring Alabama’s children and families. “We’re asking the churches of today to continue that tradition of looking after the least of these,” he said.
This year’s Annual Children’s Homes Offering goal is $2.55 million. For more information or complimentary materials on the offering, contact Kay Taylor at 1-888-720-8805 or (ABCH)
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