This letter is to tell the young people grades 7–12 and their leaders about a really neat way to serve as a Christian witness in a foreign country at almost no expense and without leaving home. We have requests from English teachers in China for hundreds of letters from American students for their students to answer in their English classes. This activity often develops into a long-lasting pen-pal relationship, and the American student may have an opportunity to share his faith and become a Christian influence in the life of a Chinese student who has never heard the gospel before.
Sunday School classes, Acteens and all kinds of Christian youth groups can actually be the agents for helping to carry the gospel into a country where missions work is restricted. The Fellowship of Baptist Educators coordinates this project, which has been carried on for the past 16 years. This year, the plan is being modified upon the advice of the Chinese teachers, with the first letters being written by the American students rather than the Chinese.
Teachers and youth leaders, here is what you need to do: Bring writing materials to a class or a youth meeting and encourage each student to write a letter “To My Chinese Friend.” Then send the letters (without envelopes) to: Dr. John Carter, Fellowship of Baptist Educators, Samford University, Box 292305, Birmingham, AL 35229. Be sure to put the teacher’s name and address and the name of the church or group on the packet. The letters will be sent to Chinese teachers who have requested them, and your students should begin receiving their answers within three or four weeks. Letters must reach Samford University by Oct. 15.
Here are instructions for writers:
Tell your age or grade level and whether you are a boy or a girl.
Tell about your school and family, what you study in school, things you like to do, and ask your pen pal to tell you all about himself or herself.
It is best not to mention God or Jesus in this first letter, but it is OK to say that you go to a Christian church on Sundays. We will send you suggestions on how to witness and share your faith with your pen pal in later letters. Give your e-mail address if you have one, and suggest that your pen pal may answer you by e-mail if he or she has access to it.
Be sure to write or print very clearly. Your pen pal is just learning to read and write English.
Give your name and complete address on your letter.
If you wish, include a photograph or a bit of artwork.
For further information, you may contact me at 205-822-4106 or
John T. Carter
Fellowship of Baptist Educator
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