I am writing in response to “A Statement from the Calvinism Advisory Committee” (June 6 issue of The Alabama Baptist).
I loved the article — I am a Calvinist, have been for 20 plus years and thought about writing to tell you of the harmony we experience here at the “Family of Families,” Canaan Baptist Church, Bessemer.
I have never felt alienated or ostracized due to my beliefs as a Calvinist. Although the first time I mentioned it to our pastor, I thought he was going to have a wreck. We were on a visit and it came up in casual conversation. He was, to say the least, astonished. We love each other and have mutual honor and respect. Could not ask for a better example of a pastor, (or) a true man after God’s own heart, than Bro. Morgan Bailey.
I am active in outreach and teaching of the Scriptures and have been since I first came to Canaan in 2003. I serve as a deacon with no problem whatsoever. My fellow servants all show me the greatest kindness and respect. Of course I have no agenda either. I simply hold that the Scripture in 1 Peter 3:16 is true and simply leave it at that.
We have a wonderful fellowship that shows what can happen when believers place Christ as the head and not a particular agenda. We are all on the journey, loving God, sharing life, serving others and showing Jesus to the world.
I just wanted the body of Christ to know.
Tony L. Fisher
Birmingham, Ala.
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