KADUNA, Nigeria — A Christian college student in Nigeria has been abducted and forced to convert to Islam.
On Sept. 20, Christian students notified the parents of 20-year-old Dorcas Adedayo Adekanola, a chemistry student at Kaduna State University, of her absence from classes and activities, stated Morning Star News, quoting the campus watchdog group Campus Mission Watch.
The next day, Dorcas was seen on a Muslim-owned university bus. According to CMW leaders, Dorcas told her parents she had been taken to an imam’s house, held against her will and threatened if she did not convert to Islam. One of the staff members in the university’s biochemistry was appointed to facilitate Dorcas’ conversion to Islam.
As of Morning Star’s report from Oct. 25, Dorcas was still a captive, according to CMW.
“CMW leaders said a well-financed campus group called the Majlis Muslim Sisters is pressuring students and staff members to convert to Islam,” states Morning Star.
Nigeria is No. 6 on Open Doors’ 2023 World Watch List of places most difficult to be a Christian. Nigeria has led the world in the number of Christians killed for their faith, kidnapped, sexually assaulted or harassed, forced to marry or abused.
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