Every year for the past 25 years, about 30 people have decided to follow Jesus through Shelby Baptist Association’s Christmas Gift Shop ministry.
This year’s shop opens Nov. 30 — and already they’ve had eight people make that decision.
“We offer two opportunities for people to speak with a chaplain — first when they’re interviewed, and then again when they shop,” said Rebekah Parr, ministry evangelism catalyst for Shelby Association.
Selection process
Starting in September, the association interviews people who express a desire to have help with their children’s Christmas presents. Then after Thanksgiving, those people are able to come by appointment and “shop.”
Each room in the building — provided each year by Calera Baptist Church — is decorated with presents according to age and gender.
Shopping day
Parents are able to select a few toys of varying price along with some necessities, a Bible and a stocking personalized for each child.
In recent years, the shop has been able to help around 500 kids.
“Usually we also have hot cider and coffee, but this year it’s bottled water and prepackaged snacks because of COVID-19, and we’re screening people at the door,” Parr said, noting that anyone who needs to will be able to shop with a volunteer walking them through the store via video on an iPad from their car.
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