Members of the Alabama State Church Library Association got out of libraries and churches to attend their annual workshop close to nature at Shocco Springs in May. The workshop was sponsored by Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions(SBOM).
Association members, representing churches across the state, attended classes focused on improving the church’s media library. Choices ranged from “Computerizing Your Media Library” and “Collecting and Preserving Church History” to “Libraries – Ministering Through Discipleship Training.” During the workshop, the association held its annual business meeting in which members discussed bylaws and elected officers for the next term.
The purpose of the workshop was to promote church media libraries, encourage churches and train volunteers who work in the libraries, said program leader Henry Lyon of the SBOM.
In many cases, this ministry of encouragement extends to giving free books to new libraries and offering the help of an experienced librarian to help train volunteers.
The Church Library Association not only accomplished it s goals of training and teaching both new and experienced volunteers but also lived out its theme of Looking at Our Future Through Our Past as they shared ideas and experiences.
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