To teach people about impacting “lostness” where it is, the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions’ office of associational missions and church planting hosted the third annual Church Planting Celebration Dinner on Feb. 23 during the 2009 State Evangelism Conference at Samford University in Birmingham.
“We want to implant in people’s minds that intentional church planting is evangelism,” said Otis Corbitt, an associate in the office of associational missions and church planting.
More than 50 people involved in, supportive of and interested in church planting attended the event, which showcased three speakers whose lives were affected by a recent church plant.
“[The dinner] is about helping people learn more about church planting,” Corbitt said, noting nearly 40 new Alabama Baptist churches are planted each year.
“We are hoping new people will make connections, and we want to celebrate because there is a lot of good news coming from our church plants.”
Alabama Baptist church plants baptize nearly one in every 14 members, while established Baptist churches baptize one in every 40 members, Corbitt explained.
So it would seem “our newest churches are the most effective at reaching people for Christ,” he added.
For more information about Alabama Baptist church plants, contact Corbitt at 1-800-264-1225, Ext. 332, or (TAB)
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