Ten church members gathered on a hill overlooking the Walker Springs valley near Jackson in Clarke Baptist Association to charter Mount Gilead Baptist Church. The year was 1853 and the town was booming. The meeting house was a 40 x 60 foot building next to a cemetery. In 2003 more than 175 people gathered to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the church.
But the story of the congregation goes back to 1810 when Bassett Creek Baptist Church was founded. It was the second Baptist church to be organized in Alabama and the first constituted church in Clarke County. This church was discontinued at the original site in 1853 and reorganized a mile away as Mount Gilead at Walker Springs.
Mount Gilead thrived in the active town, having various structures through the years.
The present building contains lumber from the old structures. Many members and friends have given generously through the years so the church has not been in debt during these building programs.
William Allison has been the pastor of Mount Gilead since November 1992. He said, “The 150th anniversary celebration day began with Sunday School and morning worship. Brother Shelton Larrimore, a former pastor, brought the message. The morning concluded with special music.”
After lunch the celebration continued. Lem Finney, longtime deacon at Mount Gilead, recognized and presented a certificate of appreciation to the oldest living member, Bonnie Skinner. Skinner is 84 years old and has been a member of Mount Gilead since 1951. She was not able to attend that day due to sickness. Her daughter, Marie Davis, accepted the certificate and commented on Skinner’s service to the church.
In a later interview Skinner noted her service to Mount Gilead. “I was involved in the Woman’s Missionary Union, was president at one time and was program chairman. I taught Bible school and Girls Auxiliary.” Skinner lives two and a half miles from the church and raised her two daughters at Mount Gilead. She commented on the church as she remembered it long ago. “We had one sanctuary with four little rooms attached. We baptized people in the creek. And, we’ve had nine pastors during my membership at Mount Gilead,” she said.
“I remember Walker Springs as a well-populated town. We had eight stores, a train depot, a hotel and a sawmill,’ Skinner said. “But, all that is gone now. Things change, people move, but the Spirit of God is still alive at Mount Gilead and I’m proud to be part of it.”
As God’s Spirit moved enabling the people to accomplish His work, the physical structure of the church changed along with the spiritual.
A new building was erected in 1911 and renovated many times. In 1974 a building program began for a new educational building. It would contain 10 classrooms, a nursery, library, pastor’s study and restrooms. After completing the educational building, the existing building was converted into a fellowship hall and kitchen.
In 1994 the fellowship hall was enlarged. A steeple was placed on the sanctuary. In 1999–2000 the sanctuary was enlarged again: a new baptistry was installed, and the sanctuary and choir loft were renovated. A new audio system was installed and a video recording room was built. The church added new Sunday School rooms, choir room, pastor’s study, youth room and restrooms.
Leon Harrison served as Mount Gilead’s bivocational pastor 1988–1992. “During this time, we led the association in baptisms and membership,” he said.
Donald Hicks was pastor of Mount Gilead from Sept. 10, 1961, until Sept. 23, 1984. Mount Gilead began having full-time services in September 1967. During Hick’s ministry the church licensed three men to the ministry.
Eddie Pezent grew up at Mount Gilead and was saved at age 27. Hicks led Pezent to the Lord in 1968. Pezent spoke highly of Hicks. “At one time, he drove a long way on Wednesday nights to preach to five people. He lived what he preached and preached what he lived.”
Pezent was ordained as a deacon in 1972 and serves as one today. He spoke at the anniversary celebration quoting Psalm 33:11, “The council of the Lord stands forever and the thoughts of His heart to all generations.” Problems have surfaced and been overcome, but Mount Gilead remains a strong church in the community, known for its Bible teaching and preaching.
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