CLC helps shape Christian worldview

CLC helps shape Christian worldview

The Christian Life Commission (CLC) strives to help Alabama Baptists keep a biblical perspective in the face of today’s “raging moral issues,” said Michael F. Terry, chair of the commission.

“We view it as a sacred partnership with you to share God’s Word with you on issues you are confronted with every day,” Terry told messengers to the annual meeting of the Alabama Baptist State Convention in Huntsville during his report Nov. 16.

The commission studies current issues and informs Alabama Baptists with recommendations for personal action and involvement.

It also seeks to promote special Sunday emphases on issues such as the sanctity of human life, racial reconciliation, anti-gambling and world hunger.

“The commission never endeavors to speak for but to speak to Alabama Baptists encouraging social, political and economic responsibility that impacts the world for Jesus Christ,” he said. “We thank you for your support. We endeavor to serve you as we serve our Lord together.”