Concerned about IMB

Concerned about IMB

Concerned about IMB

I am concerned that we Southern Baptists are going to terminate 15 percent of our IMB personnel, who are supported by our Cooperative Program (CP) giving. 

I believe, as stated in the Oct. 8 issue of The Alabama Baptist: “CP provides the foundation of our Baptist work. CP pays the salaries and makes sure there are missionaries to address ministry needs. Without CP there would be no one to do the ministries.”

Our full-time missionaries are the facilitators for short-term missionaries. If they are recalled it will take years, if ever, to reclaim the progress that has been made in Southern Baptist missions work.

Are we so caught up in the “Feed Our Greed” lifestyle that we will allow this to happen? 

Will we sit back and enjoy God’s blessings and do nothing? The answer is in our hands. 

Maragem Bealle
Mobile, Ala.