Chuck Conner is someone you should know. For the past 30 years, he has directed Christian Missions Unlimited, a missions ministry that has built 214 churches in Brazil. Throughout the year, Conner takes 16 to 19 missions teams to Brazil for construction and other ministry projects.
Q: Why did you start this ministry?
A: God literally burned Brazil into my heart and spirit. I traveled all over the Amazon region of Brazil and I preached every day. I was so impressed by the hunger and response to the gospel by the Brazilian people.
Q What does it demand?
A: We raise the money, but we are not fund-raisers. We simply share the need … and let the Holy Spirit speak to people. We recruit teams and groups to go and we have taken tons of stuff to our missionaries there.
Q: What do you get from it?
A: When we leave Brazil to head home we know that in that little church the gospel will be preached, people will be saved and lives will be changed until Jesus comes again.
Q: How do other family members support you?
A: Most of them go from time to time. When they were growing up, I would be gone for a period of time but I can never remember a time when they (my children) asked me not to go. They also pray for me on a daily basis.
Q: How do you see yourself involved in this in the future?
A: My vision is just to build the next church. Every one is just as important as the last one. I will go until I can’t go.
Q: What difference will this ministry make for you in the future?
A: I get to see people come to Christ and now I see people whose lives were changed years ago who have been called into the ministry. But we won’t know the rest of the story until we all get to heaven.
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