Cook: South Africa

Cook: South Africa

We have been in South Africa six weeks and are trying to become familiar with the culture of the Tswana people where we serve, as well as that of the Afrikaner people in Rustenburg where we live and shop.

Each has its own language and its own customs, and we are trying to avoid making serious blunders with either group. We are settled in our house and have had a great deal of help from our retired Afrikaner neighbors. One of them even gave me tips on how to plant my vegetable garden.

Part of our South African culture education came in recent weeks as we observed the country’s second national election. Because the black people have only had their freedom for 10 years, they take voting seriously and more than 70 percent of eligible citizens voted in the April 17 election.

Election Day is a national holiday. April 27 is Freedom Day, also a national holiday to celebrate 10 years of freedom from apartheid. While much has changed in these years, there is still a struggle between the dominant cultures. We know that the only answers to the issues of hopelessness, poverty, crime, family breakdown and AIDS/HIV begin with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That is why we are here.

Pray for Tswana men to respond to the gospel. Pray also that we will have opportunities to work with pastors and leaders to train, equip and encourage them in preaching the Word.

Pray that Tswana pastors will lead their churches to grow spiritually strong and plant other churches among the Tswana people.

Darrell and Elaine Cook
South Africa