The FBI calls public corruption one of its “top investigative priorities behind only terrorism, espionage and cyber crimes.” It believes public corruption impacts “our democracy and national security” and “takes a significant toll on our pocketbooks … siphoning off tax dollars.”
Special Agent Patrick Bohrer, assistant section chief of the public corruption/civil rights program at FBI headquarters in Washington, said on the FBI website, “Corrupt public officials undermine our country’s national security, our overall safety, the public trust and confidence in the U.S. government, wasting billions of dollars along the way. This corruption can tarnish virtually every aspect of society. For example, … corrupt state legislators could cast deciding votes on a bill providing funding or other benefits to a company for the wrong reasons.”
Bohrer added that corruption is found “just about everywhere — at the federal, state and local levels throughout the country.”
“I should point out the vast majority of our country’s public officials are honest and work hard to improve the lives of the American people,” he noted. “But a small number make decisions for the wrong reasons — usually to line their own pockets or those of friends and family.”
Bohrer said the FBI has numerous ways to investigate allegations of corruption.
“Our lawful use of sophisticated investigative tools and methods — like undercover operations, court-authorized electronic surveillance and informants — often gives us a front-row seat to witness the actual exchange of bribe money or a backroom handshake that seals an illegal deal … and enough evidence to send the culprits to prison.” (TAB)
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