The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) met its Cooperative Program (CP) budgeted goal of $188 million but ended its fiscal year 1.92 percent below 2012 contributions, SBC Executive Committee President Frank S. Page has announced.
“When we projected this year’s CP allocation budget, we anticipated that churches would recover from the global economic crisis more slowly than the general economy, something researchers have observed from past recessions,” Page said. “Knowing that, we felt it prudent to budget accordingly.”
CP gifts totaled $188,001,275.70 during the fiscal year Oct. 1, 2012–Sept. 30, 2013, or $3,677,718.58 less than the $191,678,994.28 received the previous fiscal year. The 2013 giving was 0.00068 percent above the budgeted goal of $188 million.
The CP is Southern Baptists’ channel of giving, begun in 1925, through which a local church can contribute to the ministries of its state convention and the missions and ministries of the SBC. Monies include receipts from individuals, churches, state conventions and fellowships.
The money was distributed as follows: 50.2 percent to international missions through the International Mission Board; 22.79 percent to North American missions through the North American Mission Board; 22.16 percent to theological education; 3.2 percent to the SBC operating budget and 1.65 percent to the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.
In the 2013–2014 budget year, which began Oct. 1, IMB’s percentage increased to 50.41 percent, while the SBC operating budget decreased to 2.99 percent. Other allocation percentages remained the same.
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