CP giving 3.15 percent above budgeted goal

CP giving 3.15 percent above budgeted goal

NASHVILLE — Year-to-date contributions to Southern Baptist national and international missions and ministries are 3.15 percent above the year-to-date budgeted goal, but 1 percent behind contributions received during the same period last year.

Receipts totaled $80,801,829.12, or 103.15 percent of the $78,333,333.35 year-to-date amount budgeted to support Southern Baptist ministries nationally and globally, and $820,271.66 less than the $81,622,100.78 received through the end of February 2012, according to Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee President Frank Page.

“We continue to monitor the economy and its impact on our cooperating churches. We have set a reasonable yet challenging Cooperative Program (CP) budget goal for this year, given how hard many Southern Baptists have been hit by the Great Recession,” Page said.

“I am pleased to see that the precipitous drop in CP contributions of the previous three years has slowed and am optimistic that we are seeing positive signs of an economic recovery for our people and churches,” he said.

Designated giving of $92,520,270.11 through February is 6.13 percent, or $5,340,338.38, above gifts of $87,179,931.73 received at this point last year. Totals include only those gifts received and distributed by the Executive Committee and do not reflect designated gifts contributed directly to SBC entities.

CP allocation budget receipts received by the Executive Committee are reported monthly to SBC entity executives, state offices and denominational papers and are posted online at www.cpmissions.net/CPReports.  (TAB)