New Georgia Baptist, Fultondale
Birmingham Baptist Association
Favorite Bible Verse: John 3:16
Favorite Hymn: “Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine”
Hobbies: Reading the Bible, walking (every day) and photography
Family Status: Married 64 years to Opal; two daughters, Pam and Kay; three grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren
Nathaniel F. Cremer has been in the ministry since being called during a church service. After battling an illness, he defied doctor’s expectations and moved from the hospital to the nursing home and, finally, to his daughter’s home. Cremer has sayings that he uses throughout the day to better follow God’s will.
Q: When and how were you led into the ministry?
A: I was working for the city of Andalusia reading water meters, and I felt led to go to college. I moved to Birmingham and started to Howard College (now Samford University). The Lord kept dealing with me to become a minister, but I kept studying to be an educational director. One night, we went to a service; we were standing and singing. I was standing there and they said we were going to sing one last stanza, and while they were doing that, I bowed my head and told the Lord that if they sang another stanza, I would surrender to preach. Then the man said, “I just feel led to sing another stanza.” I surrendered to God right then.
Q: What are some of your sayings, and how do they help you throughout the day?
A: The Lord has given me some sayings. One is “Dear God, help me to be humble and pray about all of the things I do and say.” Another one is “Thank you for the blessings of this day, in the name of Jesus I pray.” I say them because they help me to be available to do God’s will.
Q: What difference has being a Christian made in your life?
A: Everything. I am completely different because He has taken care of me. He has given me grace and has supplied my every need. I was in the war (World War II), and He took care of me, and I was in the nursing home, and He took care of me.
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