Cropwell Baptist Church on mission

Cropwell Baptist Church on mission

A team of 44 members of Cropwell Baptist Church recently traveled to Guitton, Haiti.

A medical team, headed up by a doctor from the St. Clair Baptist Association church, treated almost 1,000 patients. A construction team built three homes for families affected by the 2010 earthquake, including one home sponsored entirely by funds from church members. Construction team members also did various improvement projects at a school, such as hanging ceiling fans and making an outdoor basketball court.

The team brought 152 dresses and 78 pairs of shorts provided by Cropwell Baptist’s Woman’s Missionary Union and distributed 300 bags of rice containing gospel tracts. One woman came to Christ as a result of one of the tracts.

“(The trip) made us open our eyes to see that God is working and that we need to be involved wherever He is working in the world, fulfilling the Great Commission,” Associate Pastor Bill Daniel said.  

EDITOR’S NOTE — Share your missions experience with us. E-mail trip details and contact information to