Harris Cook says that 50 years ago he was afraid to get up in front of a class and present a report. He would’ve never guessed God would save him and call him to be a pastor and even a missionary to Venezuela.
“God has taken me places and allowed me to meet people — it’s been more than I could’ve dreamed,” he said. “I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
Cook, pastor of Crossbridge Community Church, Helena, recently celebrated a half century of ministry since he met the Lord, surrendered to his calling and transferred to Samford University in Birmingham to start his ministerial training.
Over the years, he served several churches in Alabama — Garywood Baptist, Hueytown; West End Baptist, Birmingham; First Baptist Church, Alexander City; and Northside Baptist, Jasper.
Later he and his wife, Jenny, served with the International Mission Board in Venezuela for six years. They returned to the United States to serve Crossbridge Community, where they’ve been for the past 13 years.
“When I think about my life as a Christian I don’t see anything I’ve given up — I only see what I’ve gained,” Cook said. “When you walk with the Lord and see His hand at work, He’ll take you places you never dreamed.” (Grace Thornton)
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