During the past several months, Alabama Baptists have shown increasing interest in how they can better use technology for local church ministry and outreach, said Keith Hinson, associate in communications services at the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions (SBOM).
Hinson, who serves as coordinator for the SBOM’s fifth annual CyberCamp May 12–13 at Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center in Talladega, said, “Many Alabama Baptists are realizing the call to be better stewards of all the tools God has entrusted to us, including technology. That’s why we’re offering a variety of topics, including some new courses.”
Jeff Robison, pastor of Beatrice Baptist Church in Pine Barren Baptist Association, will teach a class on blogging. Robison is a Microsoft-certified instructor who has maintained a personal blog for many years and continues to do so as part of his pastoral ministry. “Another new topic this year relates to youth and student ministry,” Hinson said. “We offer a special invitation to those who work with young people, including full-time ministerial staff, bivocational youth directors, as well as volunteer workers from the local church setting.”
Leading the course titled On-line Resources for Student and Youth Ministry will be Jeff Dickey, student pastor at Heritage Baptist Church, Montgomery, in Montgomery Baptist Association.
The worship leader for CyberCamp will be Ryan John and Deeper Waters — a four-member band based in Montgomery. A Friday evening reception in the Bagley Center fireplace room will provide youth ministers and volunteers a time for fellowship with the group and with each other.
Beginning computer users will find help in two topics offered by Jeff Hammack, the SBOM’s computer services coordinator.
Hammack will teach Introduction to the Internet and Introduction to Your Personal Computer, providing a total of six hours of training for novices.
Other topics to be offered at this year’s event include: podcasting; computer graphics and clip art; Internet legal issues; online communities and safe Internet use; online genealogy; and courses on a variety of computer programs such as Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, MediaShout, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Excel, Bible Navigator, BibleWorks, Logos and WordSearch.
Hinson encourages all those interested to participate if possible since CyberCamp is the only conference of its kind offered by the SBOM in 2006. The next CyberCamp will occur in May 2007. For reservations, contact Shocco Springs at 1-800-280-1105. For detailed conference information, visit www.alsbom.org and click on the “Keyword” link. Search for “cybercamp.”
Hinson may be contacted at 1-800-264-1225, Ext. 289, or at khinson@alsbom.org. (SBOM)
CyberCamp teaches churches to use technology more effectively
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