Danville’s Manly retires after 45 years of preaching, serving in Alabama pulpits

Danville’s Manly retires after 45 years of preaching, serving in Alabama pulpits

While at Talladega’s Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center for RA (Royal Ambassadors) camp, God called 13-year-old Ronald Manly to preach, but he didn’t answer the call. 
God called him again at age 17, this time during a basketball tournament. Manly made a deal with God — if his team won, then he would preach. The team won but Manly still didn’t respond. 
A few months later, however, he did respond and preached his first sermon at First Baptist Church, Austinville, in Decatur in Morgan Baptist Association. 
Now, 45 years of ministry later, Manly is retiring as pastor of Enon Baptist Church, Danville, in Muscle Shoals Baptist Association. And he’s answering God’s call again, this time to a new phase in his life. 
“God has led me to resign the pastorate and make myself available for supply preaching, interim pastorates and revivals,” Manly said. “Today, as always, my desire is to preach the Word and serve Jesus until He comes or calls me home.” 
To celebrate his shift in ministry, members of Enon Baptist organized a surprise retirement party June 11. Church members presented him with a scrapbook, containing letters from former church members and friends.
“[Manly] has a caring heart for all people, from kids to adults,” said Tina Jones, a member of Enon.
She said children contributed letters to the scrapbook to thank Manly for things such as baptizing them. 
“As a pastor, Bro. Manly is the epitome of a genuine shepherd,” said Carl Stripling, a member of one of Manly’s former churches. “He is totally sold out to the Lord, which is evident in his love for feeding the flock, leading them in the right paths and ministering to their needs.”
People who had attended churches Manly previously served also joined in the retirement celebration, which included a luncheon, the presentation of a retirement gift and a PowerPoint presentation featuring photos of the churches Manly has served as pastor. 
The photos flashed on the screen as the music of Ray Boltz, singing “Thank You,” played in the background.
“I wasn’t expecting it,” Manly said. “I got real emotional. Everything was so overwhelming.”
As he and his wife, Gail, reflected on their ministry together, Manly expressed gratitude for his family and its role in his service to God. 
“In addition to God’s grace in my life, my wife, Gail, has supported me in my ministry since we were united in marriage in December of 1963,” he said. 
“Standing by my side, she has remained a loving companion, praying for me and serving faithfully with me. I am grateful to God for bringing her and our two sons into my life.”
After observing Manly’s ministry for 30 years, Alabama preacher and conference leader Phil Waldrep describes him as a “gifted preacher, compassionate pastor and a godly man.” 
Evangelist Junior Hill of Hartselle said he has known Manly for almost 50 years and considers him to be “one of the finest men of God I have ever met.”