We have become involved in a ministry at a local racetrack. There are approximately 2,000 people who attend every weekend who we are able to share the gospel with in various ways. Also, we set up a booth at two local festivals in DuBois that drew quite a crowd.
A missions team from South Carolina also came up to help us with some outreach projects that we had planned.
Those included a backyard Bible club as well as refurbishing the bleachers at a local community athletic field. This was just another way that we were able to make contact with people and also show them that Summit View Church’s mission is to serve and not to be served.
At the Reynoldsville Festival, we are not only having a booth where we will do some of the same activities as the other festivals, but Jason was also asked to begin the opening ceremony with prayer.
Some of the fast and upcoming plans we have include another worship service at the Best Western Conference Center, as well as our kickoff night for the weekend Bible study in DuBois.
Please continue to pray for the continued growth and health of our new baby boy, Josiah. Also pray for God to send more church planters who would be willing to start new works in Western Pennsylvania, particularly in the communities of Brookvillle and Punxsutawney.
Jason and Genée Duckett
DuBois, Pa.
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