We’re calling on you to pray with us for our very dear Latvian brother, Maris Dupers. He is our wonderful neighbor, friend, member of our church-planting team and pastor of our mission church here in Latvia. Recently Maris shared with us at our team meeting that he would be seeing doctors concerning the possibility of cancer. Maris battled cancer eight years ago, and the Lord healed him.
Maris called while in the hospital for a biopsy not to discuss his possible cancer with me, but to tell me about the results of what God is doing through an evangelistic Bible study he is leading at a nearby college.
He asked us to pray for one young lady who would be attending our services. She has committed to come, and possibly bring another lost friend of hers.
Maris knows what life is all about.
It is not held within the physical confines of the body. It is within the spiritual vastness of God’s kingdom.
One thing is for sure — God’s kingdom will go forward, and Maris is committed to the task of spreading the Good News until the time the Lord will call him home.
Monte and Janet Erwin
Riga, Latvia
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