Clyde Hancock retired as pastor of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Eufaula, after more than 11 years of service there and 54 total years in ministry as a bivocational pastor.
Hancock grew up at Corinth Baptist Church, Clayton, where he was saved, licensed, ordained, married and served two separate tenures as pastor. He also served as pastor of Pea Creek Baptist Church (now closed), Louisville; Mount Enon Baptist Church, Midland City; Enterprise Baptist Church, Ashford; Union Baptist Church, Clayton; Sykes Creek Baptist Church, Clio; Western Heights Missionary Baptist Church (now closed), Eufaula; and Salem Baptist Church, Ariton.
Hancock attended Baptist Bible College (now Baptist University of Florida), Graceville, and Sparks State Technical College (now Wallace Community College), Eufaula. The church honored Hancock and his wife, Maxine, during its homecoming service Aug. 4. Special guests included Jackie Palmer, Tommy Knight and Ricky McGilvary. The Hancocks have four children, 10 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. He is available for revivals and to supply preach.
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