“We’ve always had a goal of inspiration,” said Rob Jackson about “E3: Evangelize, Establish, Equip,” the state’s annual evangelism conference held at Lakeside Baptist Church in Birmingham on Jan. 26–27.
Jackson, who serves as director of the office of evangelism and church health with the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, said the goal of offering breakout sessions — on next generation on how to reach them, how to start a gospel conversation, how to develop a culture for evangelism, etc. — “at this year’s conference was to not only inspire people but offer practical resources” they can take back to their churches and everyday lives.
Participants heard from evangelists Phil Waldrep and Scott Dawson as well as Tim Dowdy, vice president of evangelism from the North American Mission Board. Breakouts were led by Sammy Gilbreath, Dustin Bruce, Tim Beougher, Mark Gainey, Dewayne Rembert and Dowdy.
‘Love appreciates’
Preaching from Romans 16, Waldrep said, “Love appreciates people for who they are not for what they can do for you. Love acknowledges people. Love always likes to brag on people. It’s a simple principle: People love people that love people.”
Worship was led by Charles Billingsley and the Lakeside Baptist Church choir and orchestra Sunday night and Billingsley on Monday morning.
‘Hear His voice’
Dowdy shared that his father battled Parkinson’s. Three years after his death, Dowdy found a card given to him by his father.
“When I read that card, I could hear his voice,” Dowdy said, and held up his Bible. “When you read this Book you hear His Voice.”
In Ephesians, Paul asks the church at Ephesus to pray because, “He recognized the intensity of the spiritual battle,” Dowdy said, and “he believed in the power of prayer.”
There is a great need for a “heaven-sent revival in the hearts of our people,” he said.
Dowdy recommended six things believers should do:
- We need to pray that God would move our hearts to have this same kind of holy desire to make much of Jesus in every opportunity.
- We need to infuse our churches with prayer for one another to have boldness in witnessing.
- We need to teach and preach on the presence of the Holy Spirit.
- We need to remind believers that fear and the hesitation to “speak” the gospel is part of the spiritual battle with our enemy, Satan.
- We need to help our people live on mission with confidence in the power of the gospel.
- We need to put all this in practice ourselves.
Passionate proclamation
During the luncheon to end the evangelism conference, Dawson challenged believers to share Christ with others.
“Jesus Christ has changed my life,” he said, teaching out of Romans 1. “I don’t ever want to get over my salvation.”
There is an intentionality that is needed.
“No one drifts toward evangelism,” Dawson said. “You have to be driven toward it.”
He encouraged those in attendance to train others and model it for others.
“The gospel changes lives,” he said. “The gospel is not what we do; it’s who we are. Preach the gospel. Jesus can change anybody’s life.”
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