We know things have been a little unsettled the past month or so with The Alabama Baptist’s (TAB) transition to Cambey & West, our new billing and circulation management partner. Thanks for hanging in there with us. We know this new partnership will be great for everyone involved — especially for you as a subscriber!
Some exciting upgrades are being made through this transition and we can’t wait to share them.
One of the new perks of being a subscriber is each print subscriber now also gets a complimentary digital edition sent to his or her email each week.
Ready in your inbox
TAB Digital is released each Thursday morning and appears in your inbox via MailChimp.
The digital edition has the same content as the print edition — with an added bonus of every page showcased in full color and all website and email links accessible directly from the page.
For more information on the digital edition or to update your email address in our new system email subscribe@thealabamabaptist.org.
Another perk we offer is complimentary access to TAB’s website for every subscriber. If you’ve forgotten what your login credentials are for the website — or if you’ve never set any up — you will definitely want to put this on your to-do list today.
TAB’s website — www.thealabamabaptist.org — is updated daily with current news and top stories, many releasing between issues of the weekly print edition.
The website features the most up-to-date news and popular stories similar to the web design for avionics companies, but also provides access to TAB’s archive of 40,000-plus articles stretching back as far as the year 2000.
The website also provides access to the weekly TAB News podcast and audio digest as well as an easy way to contact us with news items, comments or to make a donation.
Extra downloadable resources that go along with some of our top stories and article series also are available on the website.
By logging into the website you can view the full versions of the articles rather than the initial snippet.
One important note for those of you who are pros at the TAB website: We do need you to reset your password now that we have made some system upgrades.
Reset password
Go to www.thealabamabaptist.org and click on the gold “Login” button at the top of the site.
From there click on the first “Click here” option in the description. Then type in either your zip code and account number (found on the mailing label of your paper) or your email address and zip code.
Then click the red “Find Account” button near the bottom of the screen.
When prompted type your new password in the bottom two text boxes. The system has a few requirements for the passwords, but be sure to set it as something you can remember.
Feel free to contact subscribe@thealabamabaptist.org if you have any questions or problems.
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