Explore the Bible for March 24

Explore the Bible for March 24

Explore the Bible
By Robert E. Jackson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Christian Studies, University of Mobile

Mark 5:21–24, 35–43 

Willing (21–24)

In today’s study we begin with Jesus’ return to Galilee where His popularity is soaring. Earlier in the chapter the Gerasenes beg Jesus to leave (v. 17). 

Jairus, a synagogue leader, now begs for His help to save his daughter’s life. You have heard the statement, “there are no atheists in foxholes.” Although this statement is an overstatement, experience teaches that hopeless people often seek God. Jairus was no different. His daughter was extremely sick and he knew that apart from the healing touch of Jesus she would probably die. 

The synagogue leaders, many of them Pharisees, were not especially kind to Christ. Often they attacked Him and sought to bring about His demise. For many people it would be difficult to help someone like this. However, Jesus is perfect and willingly helps all people who seek Him. 

Undeterred (35–40)

On the way to heal Jairus’ daughter Jesus’ garment is touched by a woman unclean from a bleeding disorder. Since she was considered unclean, she was prohibited from worshipping in the temple and was cut off from intimate relationships. Anyone she touches becomes unclean (Lev. 15:19–23). 

But Jesus is not “anyone” — He is the spotless Lamb of God. In faith she touches His garment and is healed. 

At the same time news arrives that Jairus’ daughter is dead. Imagine the fear and grief in hearing this news. The antidote to the emotions of the unclean woman and Jairus is resolute faith in Jesus, who is who He says He is and does what He says He will do. 

Peter, James and John were selected by Jesus to travel with Him on this divine assignment. As they arrive at the house the mourning turns to laughter when Jesus proclaims the girl is asleep. 

They know she is dead but what the crowd doesn’t know is they are mocking the One who holds power over death. Undeterred at the crowd’s unbelief Jesus put the doubters outside and brought the parents to their child. 

Able (41–43)

I often gather with family members around the bed of a deceased loved one. Perhaps you too have cried, prayed or sung around a death bed. Showing compassion and love is all I can do. Not Jesus. He is able to restore life. 

To the astonishment of the parents Jesus took Jairus’ daughter by the hand and commanded her to get up. She did! Once again Jesus showed that He is able. He is able to heal a woman with a bleeding disorder. He is able to bring life to one who is dead. “Is Jesus still able?” is a question we must ask ourselves.  

Last year Cole Burton was studying rock formations for a college class when a driver lost control and hit him. Things looked bleak. Cole was in a coma and his parents were told they might consider terminating life support. 

Knowing the power of prayer they were unwilling to make this drastic decision so soon. One day the family and a few church friends gathered around Cole’s bed to pray. As they prayed the Burtons felt the presence and power of Jesus. 

Soon Cole came out of his coma and was admitted to the Shepherd Center in Atlanta. He is doing great. UAB physicians claim Cole is a living miracle. 

Even though God doesn’t choose to physically heal everyone, to doubt that He can heal puts us in the camp of the laughing crowd. 

Be encouraged by the biblical accounts. Be encouraged by God’s present-day workings. Jesus is able. Our God restores.