By Jay T. Robertson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Christian Studies, University of Mobile
Protect and Serve
Genesis 1:27; 9:1–7; Matthew 5:21–22
As we recognize Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, we remember that every human being is created in the image of God. Every human being should be treated with dignity and respect from the womb to the tomb. For His glory God created the world to be inhabited by people who would love Him and be loved by Him.
In His Image (Gen. 1:27)
The pinnacle of God’s creative work was humanity, making us in His own image. Think about it. A tiny baby girl or boy is the apex of God’s creation. The greatest wonder of all is the child is created in the image of God. The child once was not. Now he or she is eternal.
How are we God’s image? The image of God is God’s investment in humanity of God-like glory and the moral capacity to rule and reign the earth as His representatives. Being created in the imago Dei means we are hearers. We can hear and receive God’s word. We are enabled to relate personally to God. No other creature can do that. This also means we are responsible, moral, spiritual beings. Being created in the imago Dei also means we are rulers (Gen. 1:26, 28). God’s image-bearers are to rule the earth for the glory of God and the good of humanity.
When we rightfully exercise the authority granted to us God is glorified and humanity flourishes. As Christ-followers we are to affirm the value of every person as being created in the image of God. We must oppose all forms of oppression and prejudice. This truth ought to eliminate racism and other forms of hatred as acceptable behavior for the people of God.
To Be Protected (Gen. 9:1–7)
God is the giver of life as well as the defender and preserver of life. The covenant God established with Noah included the protection of human life by requiring the life of any creature, both human and nonhuman, who murders a human being. Verse 6 bases this protection of life on the fact that God created man in His own image. While the image of God was marred by the fall (Gen. 3), the image remained and is still valuable in God’s sight.
God’s covenant with Noah emphasizes the value and importance of human life. God desires that we as Christ-followers do everything we can to protect human life. We must care for the welfare of others, speak for the unborn, stand up for the persecuted and strive to stop abuse and enslavement.
We should speak on behalf of the unborn and contend for the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. Because human life is valuable to God and that every human being will live eternally either blessed by God or under the wrath of God we should be motivated to share the gospel and make disciples of all nations. We must get serious about being evangelistic and missions-minded.
In Action and Attitude (Matt. 5:21–22)
Jesus taught that while the law prohibited murder He expects Christ-followers to demonstrate both attitudes and actions that value other people. What is down in the well comes up in the bucket. In other words attitudes ultimately result in actions. Jesus focused on three attitudes that can lead to murder. He mentioned unholy anger against people, insulting a brother and calling a brother a fool. Each of these sinful acts flows out of an evil heart. The heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart.
As we spend time with God in His word, prayer and fellowship with other Christ-followers, God creates a clean heart and a right spirit within us, which leads us to protect and serve others.
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