Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson for January 29, 2017

Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson for January 29, 2017

Explore the Bible By Douglas K. Wilson, Ph.D.

Dean, School of Christian Studies, University of Mobile


Judges 4:4–10, 12–16

God raises up unlikely leaders in due season. In light of new leadership in our nation, believers wonder with anxious anticipation what God is doing in the midst of political upheaval. How is God at work in Washington, in Montgomery, in your hometown? What are you doing to join Him in the work?

In His perfect timing, God calls out willing servants who must depend upon Him. He uses men and women, young and old, rich and poor, educated and uneducated for His purposes in order that the name of Jesus is exalted in the state, the nation and to every people on earth.

An Updated Request (4–7)

Judge Deborah summoned Barak for an update as to why he had not obeyed God’s command to mobilize the Israelite forces at Mount Tabor since God had promised victory. As it turns out, Barak was a coward — so it seems — who did not want to take on the responsibility entrusted to him. He would only go if Deborah went with him.

Why is it that we receive clear instructions from the Lord and then we try to barter a better deal? Why do we think obedience to God is one of several options for a follower of Christ? Do we really believe we are God’s equal? Is it pride, arrogance, ignorance or a combination thereof? Whether or not we have leadership responsibilities, God expects us to serve Him and serve others. When we have a word from God, our proper response is to do what He says.

A Deal Struck (8–10)

Barak explained he would deploy if Deborah accompanied him. Deborah agreed, reminding Barak he would not be honored as the victor because of his timid response. Deborah accompanied Barak and the army to Mount Tabor. As it turns out, the victory would come by another woman. In this honor/shame culture, it was shameful the general of an army of men would find deliverance from their enemy by a woman’s hand. Later on we discover the woman prophesied about was Jael (vv. 17–22).

The Orders Issued (12–14)

General Sisera received word that Barak’s troops were assembling so he summoned his chariots to face Barak. The prophetess Deborah reminded Barak of God’s promise and then directed him to engage with Sisera’s army. Barak led the army down from Mount Tabor to pursue Sisera’s invading army.

The Victory Won (15–16)

God caused Sisera’s army to become confused and the warriors abandoned their chariots. Barak and his troops pursued Sisera’s army until Sisera’s army was utterly defeated. God granted victory to Israel’s army in this battle but deliverance came through the leadership of Deborah and the shrewdness of Jael.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, build one another up and encourage one another that the body of Christ may be unified and the world will know we follow Christ. Let us learn from one another as we grow as disciples and disciple makers.

When we think of leaders, we may think of politicians, heads of state or masters in industry. God has a place for His people to serve in these capacities, just as He does for those called to vocational ministries and missions. Godly leaders must follow God’s Word, His commands and directives. Regardless of our doubts God always remains true to His promises. Followers of Jesus have confident assurance God completes His purposes.