Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson for June 9

Here’s the Explore the Bible Sunday School lesson commentary for June 9, written by Jay T. Robertson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Mobile.

Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson for June 9

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By Jay T. Robertson, Ph.D. 
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Mobile


Acts 2:5–16, 36–38

There are moments in your life that change everything: graduation, marriage, parenthood. The same is true biblically and spiritually. In Luke 23, Jesus was crucified. In Luke 24, Jesus was resurrected. In Acts 1, Jesus ascended to the Father.

On the 50th day — Pentecost — the Father and the Son sent the Holy Spirit to empower the Church to take the life-changing message of the gospel to the ends of the earth. Acts is the unfolding story of the people of God filled with the Spirit of God engaging in the mission of God.

Noticed (5–13)

Throughout the Book of Acts, we see God’s desire for the gospel to be taken to all nations. Beginning in Jerusalem at Pentecost, Luke emphasized the fact that Jews from every nation under heaven had gathered for the festival.

When these people heard the sound of a violent, rushing wind, they gathered to see what was happening. The visiting Jews from around the world did not realize that the disciples in the upper room had been filled with the Holy Spirit and were now empowered for gospel proclamation.

They were confused because they heard these uneducated Galileans declaring the gospel in their own native languages. They were witnessing something that defied human explanation.

Luke notes the international makeup of this celebration by mentioning specific nations in the Middle East and the Mediterranean world. Having been noticed because of these miraculous events, Peter stood up to explain what was happening.

Engaged (14–16)

The onlookers were so astounded and perplexed about what they were seeing and hearing that some of them accused the disciples of being drunk.

Peter, standing with the Eleven, refuted the accusation of drunkenness. He then explained that they were experiencing the fulfillment of prophetic Scripture from Joel 2:28–32.

Peter referred to this text first because it was the clearest and most obvious Old Testament prophecy of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Then with clarity and urgency, he linked it to what everyone in Jerusalem was observing — namely, the clear, powerful proclamation of Jesus Christ to everyone in his or her native language. Peter engaged the people with the authority of the Word of God. May the Lord lead us to engage the people around us with the powerful gospel of Jesus Christ.

Invited (36–38)

Peter then preached about the life, death, resurrection and exaltation of Jesus. He preached one verse on His life, one verse on
His death, nine verses on His resurrection and four verses on His exaltation.

The resurrection was the central theme of apostolic preaching. The resurrection proves beyond doubt the deity of Jesus Christ and establishes His credentials as Messiah. It is also the guarantee of our own resurrection. The resurrection is the crowning proof that God accepted Jesus’ death for sinners.

When many of the people heard this Christ-centered gospel, “they were pierced to the heart” by the Holy Spirit.

Peter commanded them to “repent and be baptized.” Repentance is not just being sorry for your sin. Repentance is a Spirit-wrought change of thinking that leads to a change of living. Baptism is the immersion of a believer in water. It’s an outward expression of an inner experience.

All who repent and believe the gospel will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Every repentant sinner will have an intimate relationship with God and be empowered to proclaim the gospel to others.