Joy Through Humility
Philippians 2:1-15
In Relationships (1–4)
In the beginning of Philippians 2, Paul highlights the need for humble service toward one another, which is the calling card of the Christian. Paul says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look not to his own interests, but rather to the interests of others.” What a powerful and convicting verse!
Human nature tainted by sin is incredibly selfish. Since the fall of mankind in Genesis 3, it is the default position of humanity. It also fits with a secular worldview — if all I am is a product of time and chance, why shouldn’t I look out for myself and put myself above others?
But this is not how Christian are supposed to behave. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Christians are able to overcome selfishness and instead be concerned for others. We see this in missionaries, social advocates, orphanages, hospitals, etc. History shows that Christians, when putting others first, have had a profound impact on those around them.
This is seen most of all in Jesus Christ.
By Example (5–11)
Speaking of Christ, Paul goes on to show the perfect example of what it means to put others first. This section of Philippians is known as the kenosis, a Greek word meaning “to empty” or “emptying.” This passage is evidence of the divinity of Christ, and one of the greatest verses of what true service to others should look like.
The Son of God has always existed — He has no beginning (John 1:1). But at the manger in Bethlehem, Jesus was born, the Son of God taking on human flesh to become one of us. The Son of God, the God of the universe, became human to identify with us, show true servanthood and ultimately bring salvation to a people in need. In doing so, Jesus laid aside His grandeur to become a lowly human, experiencing all of what it means to be human, including birth, suffering and death.
This did not mean Jesus laid aside His divinity — He was always truly God and truly human. But He laid aside rights and privileges as God to subject Himself to humanity. It is impossible for us to understand this completely — our finite, human minds are not able to grasp what it means to be God — but the Bible relays clearly that Jesus, while human, was still God.
Why did Jesus do this? Out of love for us Jesus came to Earth and took on the form of a servant. Throughout His life, He emphasized the need for service, which is a true demonstration of love. Paul stresses that Christians are to love and serve one another, and Christ is the greatest example of this, shown ultimately in dying on a cross for us (John 15:13). This is the example Christ has demonstrated for us to follow.
In Lifestyle (12–15)
What does it look like to put others’ desires first? Paul says we are to work out our salvation. Does this mean we can earn our salvation? No, not at all! That is counter to the gospel, which is and always has been a salvation based upon grace through faith (Eph. 2:8–9). Paul is telling us to live out our salvation, not “hide it under a bushel,” as Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount.
Christians are to be active in living out their faith, loving their neighbor and seeking to put others over themselves. We are to do this with a cheerful heart and attitude, knowing our reward is eternal, not temporal. We are to serve others without complaining or arguing, but with a cheerful spirit. If we serve others begrudgingly, what does that say about our attitude? It means we are doing it out of obligation, not choice.
We are to choose to serve others because this is a way to show how much we love God for loving us.
Sometimes it is difficult to serve, and sometimes we get run down. We need to be in prayer that God would renew our hearts and give us the right attitude, continuing to refocus on Christ and His love for us so we can love others — not for recognition, but so God gets glory and people are pointed to Jesus.
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