The comment was made by Bob Edgar, general secretary for the National Council of Churches, “Hostility and name-calling do not represent the spirit of Jesus, who always showed respect for others and treated them with grace and dignity.” He was referring to the controversy over Jerry Vines’ statement about the immorality of Mohammad and his 12 wives, which placed him in the pedophile category.
I would like to correct Edgar’s theology a bit. Jesus never hesitated to call it like it is in regards to anybody’s morals: When the Pharisees came to the place where Jesus cast out demons and preformed other miracles (Matt. 12:13, 22, 34) falsely accusing Him and His power for doing so, Jesus called them a “generation of vipers.” Pretty direct, isn’t it? With righteous anger He took a whip (John 2:15) and drove out the money changers in the temple. Pretty active, isn’t it?
When we pussy-foot around evil people and their evil deeds, we are not doing the will of God.
Betty Sue Bryan
Birmingham, Ala.
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