CAIRO, Egypt — Islamic State jihadists killed a Christian and his adult son Aug. 30 as they worked on their farmland in Egypt.
The relief group Barnabas Fund reported Salama Moussa Waheeb and his son Hany Moussa Waheeb were fatally shot in the fields of their farm. Hany was 40 years old, a husband and father.
The farm is close to the village of Gelbana in the mid-west Sinai Peninsula, where jihadists have been mounting resistance to Egypt’s army.
Recently the Islamic State (known as IS, ISIS, ISIL and Daesh) had increasingly targeted northern Sinai. The Egyptian army was able to quash the efforts, causing many jihadists to relocate west of the Suez Canal. During that retreat, some jihadists moved into the Gelbana area and mounted resistence to Egypt’s army.
Islamic State terrorists have been in the Sinai Peninsula for 11 years, attacking points within Egypt, Barnabas Fund reported.
Egypt is No. 20 on Open Doors’ 2022 World Watch List of places most difficult to be a Christian.
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