F.A.I.T.H. Riders hold first Trail of Tears rallies

F.A.I.T.H. Riders hold first Trail of Tears rallies

Marcus Merritt (right), an associate in the office of evangelism for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, and Charles Bierlair, a member of F.A.I.T.H. Riders at Heritage Baptist Church, Montgomery, were two of about 50 who participated in a bikers rally Sept. 13 in Montgomery.

The rally was one of two set to coincide with the annual Trail of Tears, the world’s largest motorcycle gathering. Sammy Gilbreath, SBOM evangelism director; Merritt; and other F.A.I.T.H. Riders rode their bikes from Mobile to Montgomery for the rally there and then on to Athens for a Sept. 14 rally.

“We rode through horrible lightning and rain and that sliced our numbers, but we had a good, faithful crew,” Gilbreath said. “In the years to come, it will only grow and we’re going to go hard after the unchurched bikers so that they can hear the gospel through this.” (TAB)