Wally Poor. Bloomington, Ind.: Crossbooks, 2012. 114 pp. (Paperback).
In September 1968, a number of couples spent 16 weeks in training for missions service by what is now known as the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. After the training ended, the couples were sent all over the world — Lebanon, Colombia, Peru, China, Malaysia, Kenya and other places, seven of them ending up together again 33 years later for a retirement service.
One of the men, Wally Poor, felt led to write a book chronicling the experiences of six of the couples. (Since the seventh had already written a book, Poor felt their story had already been told.) This book provides a glimpse into the lives of missionaries and God’s faithfulness as they serve on the missions field.
Both inspiring and entertaining, the book is full of interesting anecdotes about the experiences of the six couples told deftly by Poor, a journalist by training.
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