First Baptist Church Clanton celebrated its 150th anniversary Nov. 6 with former pastor Rick Marshall preaching.
Mitch Loftin, former minister of music, led congregational singing and played a piano prelude. The choir sang with Melinda McCullough, soloist. A men’s ensemble performed a special. Paula Kornegay played a piano postlude.
Sarah Walters, wife of former pastor James Walters, presented a certificate on behalf of the Alabama Baptist Historical Commission to Nikki Mote, children and communications director.
Jay Hurd wrote and presented a poem commemorating the milestone.
“First Baptist members invested, with anticipation, much time in preparation for our 150th anniversary. The celebration itself far surpassed our expectations, combining ministry memories, special guests, fellowship with relocated believers and a great reconfirmation of why we exist — Jesus Christ,” said pastor Matt DeBord. “May His exalted name and kingdom be the continued focus of our essence.”
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