With the theme “A Century of Service,” First Baptist Church, Hayden, celebrated its centennial anniversary during a three-day event Aug. 14–16.
On Aug. 14 the church held an ice cream social and a “Red Book” hymnal singing to celebrate the past. Worship pastor Richard Metts, Tim Tumblin and Paul Owens led the singing and Diane Stewart accompanied on piano. About 150 people participated in the event.
To celebrate the present, the Friendship Baptist Association church held a concert and chicken/fish dinner. The evening had inflatables and outdoor games and about 250 people participated in the event.
The final celebration was held Aug. 16 with a 9:15 a.m. service with a message from John Hambright, interim pastor. At 10 a.m. there was a 30-minute break for participants to view the many historical displays set up in the education spaces.
The worship service continued at 10:30 a.m. and a special video presentation was made. Ernie Carroll, director of missions for Friendship Association, spoke and Alabama Baptist Historical Commission representative Tom Allen presented the church with a plaque. Former pastors Sam Hollis and Jeremy Powell each shared messages during this second part of the service.
A covered dish luncheon followed in the fellowship hall, and according to Judy Partain, centennial committee chairperson, the weekend events were “perfect.”
“We look forward to seeing what God is going to do in the next century as all hearts seek to serve Him,” Partain said.
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