Choir members from First Baptist Church, Huntsville, are currently participating in rehearsals with other singers from north Alabama, Georgia and the United Kingdom in preparation for Choir Fest 2005. The group will travel to London for the event June 5-11.
Billy Orton, minister of music for First, Huntsville, and Hugh Ballou, coordinator of Choir Fest 2005, are leading the rehearsals.
Several months ago Frank Boggs, who will serve as choir master for the performance, conducted a combined choir of members from First, Huntsville, and Huntsville’s Trinity United Methodist Church. Now many of the same Baptists will voice songs of praise in such landmark places as Westminster Central Hall and St. Paul’s Cathedral.
The group will also attend a concert and reception at Westminster Central Hall commemorating the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip are scheduled to attend.
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