Finding rest in a restless world

Finding rest in a restless world

It is obvious to me and likely you that this world is becoming increasingly unsettled. A global pandemic, racial tensions, unprecedented political division and an attack on the U.S. Capitol along with soaring unemployment numbers have millions of people rattled and unsure. Anxiety, confusion and frustration are at the highest levels in decades.

Where are we to find rest for our weary souls? Rest is found in only one name — Jesus Christ (Matt. 11:28–29). His invitation is simple, “Come to me.” His promise is profoundly alluring, “I will give you rest.” Let us not neglect the invitation of Christ to enter into His rest.

Many of us are striving, painfully so, to plow the difficult soil of a hardened world. Imagine Jesus literally entering into your labors, giving you His strength. He says to you today, “Give Me your burdens, your weariness, your worries, grief and sadness; and in exchange I will yoke Myself to you.”

In exchange for our weariness, He promises rest for our soul through His humble and gentle heart.

You should rest today. Take a much needed break from your labors, anxieties, worries and fears. In Jesus we find perfect rest. In Him we have sins forgiven, mistakes redeemed and righteousness which has placed us in right standing with God.

Rest in that today. Take a spiritual rest from fear, loneliness, worldly pursuits and from the need to be understood and accepted by others.

There is a Savior whose name is Jesus, and His arms are opened wide, ready to take your burdens, cares, fears and worries and exchange them for His presence.

Kevin Blackwell
(Adapted from “Finding Rest in a Restless World,” originally posted at