First Baptist Church, Gulf Shores, on mission

First Baptist Church, Gulf Shores, on mission

A 15-member team from First Baptist Church, Gulf Shores, traveled to El Salvador Aug. 11–19. In the mornings, the group conducted services in parks and presented the gospel and True Love Waits in schools. In the evenings, team members showed movies such as “The Passion of the Christ” and the “Jesus” film in different neighborhoods.

They worked with eight area churches to conduct these events. The local churches will follow-up on the more than 900 public commitments made during the outdoor movie events. First, Gulf Shores, Pastor Lloyd Stilley preached at Iglesia Bautista Peniel and the Baptist church in La Union. Team leader Bob Griffin, a former trustee of the International Mission Board, preached at Iglesia Bautista Vida Abundante for four nights.