First Baptist Church, Opelika, on mission

First Baptist Church, Opelika, on mission

Sixty junior and senior high students of the First Baptist Church, Opelika, youth choir spent June 13–19 sharing the gospel in Texas.

Led by Brett Fuller, minister of music and worship at the Tuskegee Lee Baptist Association church, the group spent the week working with Mission Arlington, a nonprofit, Christian agency that does inner-city apartment ministry in the city of Arlington, and Dallas Life Foundation (DLF), the largest faith-based homeless shelter in Dallas.

Functioning as a missions trip and choir tour combined, the youth lived out the theme “Veritas,” Latin for “truth,” using John 8:32 as their key verse — “and the truth will set you free.”

“Each new day brought with it exciting challenges, tremendous growth and amazing witnessing opportunities for our students,” Fuller said.

The youth led backyard Bible clubs in the mornings and afternoons Monday through Thursday in several apartment complexes in Arlington.

Seventy-five salvation decisions were made as a result of their work with the apartment ministry.

The group also hosted and performed at two block parties during the week, and one evening, it served a meal to the homeless and led a worship service at DLF.

Twenty first-time decisions for Christ were made that night at DLF.

“One of the greatest things was to watch, through the weeklong process, the students’ passion for the lost and their intensity for sharing the gospel grow,” Fuller said. “It was a great trip, and it put some fuel on their fire for the Great Commission.”