First Baptist Church, Pell City, on mission

First Baptist Church, Pell City, on mission

A team of six from First Baptist Church, Pell City, made the St. Clair Baptist Association church’s second trip to Mount Elgon, Kenya, this year June 4–14.

The team discipled believers and evangelized within the community, while working closely with four of the 10 Baptist churches on the mountain. Baptist representative David Crane and his family helped guide and support the team.

Jump ropes were used to minister to children, teaching them Bible truths by using verses as rhymes with which to jump. At the end of the week, the team gave the 500 jump ropes to the community, along with scrapbooks that Pell City children had made.

Pastor Emeritus A.L. Courtney and his wife, Myra, led another missions team from First, Pell City, to Nicaragua June 11–19.

The five-member team led an all-day conference for pastors and their wives. The team also held Vacation Bible School (VBS) for more than 100 children, including a half-day program for children at a local orphanage. The parents of the VBS participants were treated to a special night during which they also heard the gospel.