First Church, Talladega; Central Church, Talladega; Munford Church and Southside Church, Talladega, choir performs in Ritz Theatre

First Church, Talladega; Central Church, Talladega; Munford Church and Southside Church, Talladega, choir performs in Ritz Theatre

Arranger and orchestrator Richard Kingsmore will lead an orchestra and choir of more than 100 local voices in Afternoon of Praise, a community-wide praise experience at Talladega’s Historic Ritz Theatre on Aug. 4, 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Music ministries from multiple churches throughout the community are participating, including First Church, Talladega; Central Church, Talladega; Munford Church and Southside Church, Talladega. For ticket information call 256-315-0000.