The apostles were not martyred for some shallow, witty sermon series or extravagant marketing schemes. They were martyred because of their love for the lost and their passion to win people for Christ.
They loved people enough to tell them that they were on their way to hell, but God loved so much He sent His only begotten Son. It was for their preaching of the pure gospel that got them killed.
We are wasting money on larger buildings just to see hundreds of people sitting in our auditoriums. We should be spending money on taking the message of God’s redeeming love to the lost.
Only God can change hearts. We should be spending money on clothing, feeding and sheltering the poor. We should spend money on helping the single mother, the child with no parents, the elderly and the widowed.
These people don’t care how big your building is or how good your graphics are on PowerPoint. They don’t care about some marketing scheme done in the name of church growth.
If we are truly concerned with the lost, then we should show them the love of God and tell them the gospel.
Jacob Lockmiller
Glencoe, Ala.
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