Gadsden’s Mamre Baptist Church regroups following death, damage — ‘we’re still here’

Gadsden’s Mamre Baptist Church regroups following death, damage — ‘we’re still here’

As pastor Allen Murphy stood beneath a giant gash in the roof of Mamre Baptist Church, Gadsden, in Calhoun Baptist Association, the sunny blue sky was visible to his packed congregation. A soft May breeze — so different from the tornado winds four days earlier — gently moved the naked electrical wires, Sheetrock and red and yellow insulation hanging down overhead.

Murphy leaned on the 50-year-old pulpit moved to the new two-year-old Mamre church building from the old Mamre church building that — before the April 27 tornado — crowned a nearby hill. Now the old church building is just a memory.   

Behind the tall, gray-haired Murphy was a multicolored, stained-glass window of Jesus in the baptistry, totally unscathed. After some 100 members sang “Victory in Jesus,” Murphy reminded them, “We’re blessed to have a roof over our heads. We still have a place to come and worship. This is just a building. You people sitting here are the Church.”

“Bad times bring out good things in people,” he said. “Our work now is to leave this building and go out in the community where there’s so much devastation and so many people who don’t have anything. We must focus our prayers on them.

“It takes more than a tornado to take God away from us,” Murphy said. “We may be torn and tattered, but we’re still here and we should be thankful for that.”  

Trying — and succeeding in getting a laugh out of his stunned and hurting congregation — Murphy told the church, “I actually like this set-up. We may just adopt this arrangement in the future. We don’t have to worry about air conditioning. In fact, this morning I didn’t have to get on to anyone for fooling with the thermostats,” he said to his chuckling audience sitting in chairs on the bare concrete floor.

And although he smiled and said the occasional “amen,” deacon Ralph Motes, 59, was hurting — along with his wife, Deborah — more than anyone else in the church. The day before, they had buried Spencer, their 33-year-old son, killed in the tornado rampage, as he and 15 others huddled for safety in the basement of the old Mamre church building. The tornado demolished the 52-year-old church building, causing the walls to collapse on young Motes. The others survived.  

Ironically, “Spence” had called to ask his mom and dad to come to the church for safety from the storm. They told him they would wait out the tornado at their home a few miles south of the tornado’s path in Alexandria. That’s the last time they talked to their son.

“We got a call that Spence was trapped in the basement of the old church,” Ralph Motes said. “They found him on the prayer bench he was praying on. They said the last thing out of his mouth was, ‘Let’s pray.’”

How does Ralph Motes, as big a man physically as he is spiritually, talk to a stranger about his eldest son — a man Mamre Baptist members recalled fondly, who helped build the new Mamre church building and who worked with the church’s youth?  

“I can talk about it because of my faith and because God saved me,” Ralph Motes said, choking back his emotions. “God sent his Son to die for me and Spence. You know, Jesus was only 33 when he died.

“I’ve prayed so hard for peace and for strength. And I’ve seen God do some wonderful things in this church and community since [the tornadoes devastated the state]. God has blessed me with the support of this church. People won’t understand but this has been one of the greatest times of my life,” he said. “I love to see how God works. He is so good.”

Murphy said what’s left of the second Mamre Baptist Church building — which opened for Easter services in 2009 — would be razed and a third Mamre Baptist Church will be re-built in the same spot. Fortunately, the church building was insured. Until then, the church will hold worship services jointly with Oak Grove Baptist Church, Glencoe.

Back in 1958, the original Mamre Baptist Church gleaned its name from Genesis 13:18: “Then Abram (Abraham) moved his tent to the oaks of Mamre, near Hebron, and built an altar to Jehovah there.”