It takes a break in the summer, and people are more than ready for it to start back up when September rolls around, Nancy Williford said.
The monthly 39er’s C.L.U.B. (Christians Living Under the Blood!) nondenominational luncheon is “something I think that the community really does enjoy,” she said.
Williford, administrative assistant to Pastor Mike Shirah at Maple Avenue Baptist Church, Geneva, said the church uses it as a ministry not just to its city but to the surrounding area, including small towns across the Florida line.
“It’s a ministry to median-age and senior-age adults,” she said. “It’s a program of encouragement — an uplifting program.”
Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting.
“We’re always blessed by the people who come and speak or do a program for us,” she said, noting that pastors from area churches provide the messages, and sometimes the meeting has a musical program instead.
Around 125 come to the meeting, most hearing about it by word of mouth, though it’s advertised in the local paper.
Although many come from different walks of life, it’s a particularly good way for widows to get together, Williford said.
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