God’s work growing among Wassulu of Mali

God’s work growing among Wassulu of Mali

Isaiah 9:7 says, “The zeal of the Lord will accomplish this.” It is amazing to find how God draws people to Himself completely by His Spirit; He allows us to join in the work He is already doing.

This is evident in the lives of the Wassulu people of Mali, West Africa, as people discovered how God had already been calling the Wassulu to Himself long before they arrived.

Work among the Wassulu began with a career missionary family a few years ago. They began taking trips, visiting villages and making contacts.

Upon returning to America, this family established a prayer network for the Wassulu, spoke at churches and produced a video to share with people how they could be involved.

While prayer for and awareness of the Wassulu was growing, a team called the West-Africa Partnership began in Mali, Several short term workers and a career couple began visiting the Wassulu people.

After being in Mali for several months and seeing the responsiveness of the Wassulu to the gospel, Joe, one of the short-term workers, began to inquire about sending more short-term workers to live among the Wassulu for two to three years.

He considered his role in the process and decided to move away from the capital city of Mali to a Wassulu village.

After Joe moved to the village, several asked how they could become Christians.

One Wassulu man told Joe he wanted to become a Christian and Joe asked why. He said, “When Muslims pray, it’s not answered and when we do sacrifices, it’s not answered. But when Christians pray, it’s answered.”

No one was working with the Wassulu when Joe moved to the village. Now, the first church is about to be established in Joe’s village, and a two-year worker is living among the Wassulu. Career missionaries and one two-year worker are on the way.

For information about the Wassulu prayer network or ministry opportunities, contact Chris at chrisclayman@hotmail.com.