Graham, Susan

Graham, Susan

First Baptist Church, Pell City
St. Clair Baptist Association

Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Timothy 1:7
Favorite Hymn:
“It Is Well With My Soul”
Hobbies: Any outdoor activity, including hiking, camping and jogging
Family Status: Married to Danny for 26 years; two daughters, Lesley and Amanda

After coaching different sports for more than 15 years, Susan Graham was inducted into the St. Clair County Sports Hall of Fame. She has used her position as a coach to teach her players about Christ through her actions. Now Graham is going back to school to become a counselor for junior high students in public schools, another area where she feels God can use her.

Q: How did you come to know the Lord?
A: My dad was a Southern Baptist preacher, and I got saved at a revival when I was around 8 years old.

Q: How have you used your relationship with Christ to help you in coaching?
A: A lot of it is in how I act. I try to be a role model for the kids, and they know where I stand by what I say.

Q: What ministries have you been involved with in your church?
A: I have been involved in working in the children’s department in our church. I have worked with the puppet ministry and have done the recreation for Vacation Bible School. It is a wonderful feeling to know that you are doing what you are called to be doing.

Q: How are you going to be able to use your counseling degree to influence children in the future?
A: I feel like I have been a counselor all of these years. I feel a lot of the reason I was able to help people was because of my walk with God. I am going to be able to use my background and my Christianity with the kids. I am fortunate that I am in a school where the majority of the staff are Christians. I am going to be able to allow God to use me in my counseling field.

Q: What difference has being a Christian made in your life?

A: Just the peace of being able to go through daily situations and knowing that I have God there at all times.